Mesulam Center Events
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Browse the calendar below by the categorized tabs to learn more about upcoming events associated with our center. To learn more about our annual events, explore the pages dedicated to Alzheimer Day, PPA Conference, and the Alzheimer's Disease Seminar Series. If interested in our monthly support groups or Miller Family Programs, learn more here.
February 2025
Alzheimer's Disease Seminar Series - Hwamee Oh, PhD
Developing novel behavioral and neuroimaging markers of preclinical Alzheimer s disease
Hosted in collaboration with the Department of of Radiology.
Hwamee Oh, PhD
Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Cognitive and Psychological Sciences
Brown University
Registration is strongly encouraged. Visit Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
Dr. Hwamee Oh is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Cognitive and Psychological Sciences at Brown University. Dr. Oh received her PhD in Biopsychology (with concentration in Human Cognitive Neuroscience) at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. In her postdoctoral training in Dr. William Jagust s laboratory in Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, she studied cognitive, structural, and functional alterations in preclinical older adults with -amyloid deposition, using amyloid PET, structural MRI, fMRI and neuropsychological tests. At Brown, Dr. Oh s research focuses on studying cognitive and neural changes in association with brain aging and early Alzheimer s disease pathologies with a primary focus on early detection of Alzheimer s disease with MRI and PET imaging and computational applications.
Robert H Lurie Medical Research Center, Hughes Auditorium, 303 E. Superior, Chicago
February 2025
Alzheimer's Disease Seminar Series - Hwamee Oh, PhD
Developing novel behavioral and neuroimaging markers of preclinical Alzheimer s disease
Hosted in collaboration with the Department of of Radiology.
Hwamee Oh, PhD
Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Cognitive and Psychological Sciences
Brown University
Registration is strongly encouraged. Visit Zoom link will be provided upon registration.
Dr. Hwamee Oh is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Human Behavior and Cognitive and Psychological Sciences at Brown University. Dr. Oh received her PhD in Biopsychology (with concentration in Human Cognitive Neuroscience) at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. In her postdoctoral training in Dr. William Jagust s laboratory in Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, she studied cognitive, structural, and functional alterations in preclinical older adults with -amyloid deposition, using amyloid PET, structural MRI, fMRI and neuropsychological tests. At Brown, Dr. Oh s research focuses on studying cognitive and neural changes in association with brain aging and early Alzheimer s disease pathologies with a primary focus on early detection of Alzheimer s disease with MRI and PET imaging and computational applications.
Robert H Lurie Medical Research Center, Hughes Auditorium, 303 E. Superior, Chicago
Musical Museum: "Sweet Home Chicago Jazz"
You are invited to join the Northwestern University Music and Medicine Program (NMMP) for Musical Museum "Sweet Home Chicago Jazz" on Saturday, February 15 at the Timothy Center (4351 S Drexel Blvd, Chicago).
Join us for music and discussions led by our special guests, the Southside Jazz Coalition, accompanied by Borna Bonakdarpour, cognitive neurologist, and NMMP director, and Clara Takarabe, music practitioner and NMMP co-director.
This program is designed as a musical and social engagement event, aiming to create a secure and enriching environment for individuals affected by Alzheimer's disease, related conditions, and their care partners.
Target Audience: Individuals living with mild to moderate cognitive disorders with no severe hearing loss and their families.
The Timothy Center, 4531 S Drexel Blvd, Chicago
May 2025
31st Annual Alzheimer Day
Join the Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease for our 31st Annual Alzheimer Day on Thursday, May 15, 2025 at the Embassy Suites - Chicago Downtown River North.
Northwestern Alzheimer Day was established to showcase Alzheimer s-related dementia and aging research conducted throughout Northwestern and to bring this information to the community. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with community members and researchers over lunch and through the presentation of research posters.
Abstract submissions are due on Friday, March 14. Attendee registration opens on Monday, March 3. Click the link below to learn more.
Schedule At-A-Glance
10:30 - 11:30 AM
Registration and Vendor Fair
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Welcome, State of the Center, and Duncan Prize
12:00 - 1:00 PM
Mendelson Lecture: Accelerating Treatments for Alzheimer s Disease
Allan Levey, MD, PhD,
Director, Goizueta Alzheimer s Disease Research Center
Professor and Chair, Department of Neurology
Emory University
1:00 - 2:15 PM
Lunch, Research Poster Session, and Vendor Fair
2:30 - 4:00 PM
Quality of Life Symposium: "The People in Your Neighborhood: Dementia Friendly Chicago Communities"
Sponsored by the Glen and Wendy Miller Family Foundation
Embassy Suites - Chicago Downtown River North, Chicago